Let’s see what we can get from this one…
The Emotion line is very long and quite straight. This is a deep emotional person, but is not so openly expressive and does not ‘ware his heart on his sleeve’. With his straight Head Line he would think a lot and try to be very rational about all his deep emotional feelings. Looking closely again, on the right hand there is a slight curve towards the index finger. This gives a strong idealistic quality. He will have high standards of anything his heart is involved with, which could explain why he tried to get 200rupees off me for a 15 second photo!
There are a lot of stresses to do with family and home life shown by the large number of creases on the thumb ball, the themna eminence, though other minor lines show some quite nice qualities. There are clear Samaritan lines under the little fingers showing a caring and giving nature. There is a Mercury line on the right hand (fine line heading diagonally toward the little finger) showing clarity of thought and expression. There is also quite a decent Apollo line under the ring finger of both hands. There are certainly moments of peace and stillness here.
The troubling aspect to this hand is the total lack of half the Life Line! Worse on the right hand, this is rare to see in such vacuity. When missing this much, there is a total lack of structure, root, feeling grounded and feeling safe, secure, strong within oneself and confident and capable. On the right hand the line stops completely at age 35 and I would expect this to be a significant changing point for him. It is then supported by a smaller, inner ‘retreat’ line. This could suggest the life he choose to take after the end of the Life Line is one based on timidity, fear and lack of confidence.
His middle finger is also very short. This will make him very nonconformist and very unconventional. He won’t ever want to be told want to do, follow rules or abide to sociality. Though with the absents of the Life Line there is no sense of structure within him and he will certainly need outside people or a group to support him. I have no doubt that being a Sadhu, roaming free and having a community of other ‘rebels’, outcastes or oddballs suits him very well. There is a very strong sense on not belonging with this hand. The lack of Life Line will also make it very hard to commit to anything and I would be very sceptical as to have devoted or routinely he practises his meditation and yoga.
He seems very suited to his life style, though if I were able to speak Hindi there would definitely be advice I would give him to help balance out these aspects in the hands!
What about the star enclosed in a square on the logic phalange of the thumb of the right hand.
Hi Kaukhushru, good question. These markings show stress and some restriction. Thinking and planning will be hard for him and he acts better being intuitive. It would indicate there is a kind of disturbance in his reasoning and logical thought. Well spotted!
That guy needs to give You advice. I wish he charged u 2000 rs for a photo. In USA people ask money just because they smiled at you,
The life line is not short on the right hand, infact it ends in a nicely saint symbol.
Hi, If he was to charge 2000rs I don’t think he would have much business, (and he certainly was interested in good business!). This is not a clear island on the bottom of the Life Line and even if it was, no serious hand analyst would interpret it as a ‘saint symbol’, this is superstition. In fact medically, according to Dr. Eugene Scheimann, an island at the base of the Life line indicates a predisposition toward cancer. This, of course, need to be seen in conjunction with other things. I suggest you read Dr. Scheimann book ‘Medical Palmistry’ for a more detailed account.
Hello Lawrence
Nice information on life line. I wanted to add some more information but it is not on life line.
The photo which you have captured of the sadhu from varnasi has some rare features which I thought should be highlighted.
Iam not sure whether you have read in detail about dermatoglyphics but in this case I wanted to bring in that field because there seems to be a rare formation in the Sadhu hand.
This rare combination is based on what is called Main line index and typically there is a value given to the index.
Famous authors like cummins, midlo have done research in this area. In case u would like to read “Kumbnani, H. K. (2004). Palmar Main Line Index – A New Methodological Approach. The Anthropologist, 6(2), 151–152. https://doi.org/10.1080/09720073.2004.11890843” u can read this paper. This paper mentions the highest level of transversality is 15 given by summation of Main line D and A.
This it seems is really rare and may be found in 1 in 10000. Iam just throwing a number but it seems rare occurrence.
The sadhu person has this Main line index summation on his right hand as 15 which is rare, this indicates the highest transversality in humans and is not common among humans. It is great that you have captured such a rarity.
In addition there are two rajah loops typically u would see in one hand for 5 percent population, but for the sadhu case it is on both hands which is al
so rare
Hi Anand,
Thank you for sharing your insights. I look forward to reading the paper referenced.
Hello Lawrence
You can use the Doi number mentioned to obtain the paper, or else u can send an email to my mail and I can send it. But I think from uk library u can obtain.
But u have captured a rare feature/ occurrence.
Thanks Anand, if you do have a pdf could you please email it to: contact@lawrencerook.com
This is the link for the paper