Being in India for six months gives me the opportunity to examine and speak to hundreds of Indian people, whose hands I would never otherwise see. I am noticing a few things here that are more problematic than in the West. For example, something as simple as the starting point of the Fate Line can in many cases reveal quite a challenge.

The Fate Line shows one’s purpose, drive, direction, and sense of self, through what you do, your ideals, and your focus. It is your life path.

The Fate Line has several common starting points and each one shows different personal attitudes and perception towards ones life path.

Amir (edit),womad, filmmaker, tied fate life line, family business2

Joined Fate and Life Line

The Fate Line commonly begins from within the Life Line, showing a conventional and family influenced career path.

Less commonly, the Fate Line can start at the centre and base of the palm.

The one I will discuss here is a Fate Line which begins in the Lunar or subconscious area of the hand – at the base of the palm under the little finger (see image below).

Fate Line coming the the Subconscious

Fate Line coming from the Subconscious (the base of the hand, under the little finger)

The Subconscious Fate Line Explained

The commencement of a Fate Line from the Lunar area shows that the person’s subconscious, their innermost yearnings, are the driving force of their life. Their work is something very personal to them and something they are passionate about. They care little about making money: it is enjoyment and fulfilment in work that they seek – what their heart (subconscious) is telling them to do. This is particularly the case when the line is found on the Active/outer world hand (the one you write with).

On the Passive hand (the one you don’t write with – shows the inner, private self), the Fate Line coming from the subconscious area relates to a person’s views and values. Here, the Fate Line shows your sense of self, your ideals and what you believe. It’s the personal and psychological counterpart to the outer sense of direction. The Active hand is the outer world manifestation (career); the Passive (inner world) hand is the psychological sense of focus and knowing oneself – your backbone, your conviction, and your compass. It is common to find a Fate Line on one hand but not the other – people do not always have two.

The Subconscious Fate Line in India

I have found this angle of the Fate Line to be a common factor in Indian hands – people who often seem to be struggling with career choices, relationships or just generally not ‘fitting in’.

Of these three areas – career, relationships and ‘fitting in’, the one I have seen most often is relationships.

The Fate Line can show problems with careers – a person who wants to step out of the box, go against a family trend, or chase a dream without proper means of doing so. Sometimes it shows people who find it hard to cope with a conventional lifestyle – they want a different path to what has been presented to them and struggle to relate to people around them. But more often, when this Line presents as a problem, it is in the area of relationships.

Fate Line and Relationships

The Fate Line (along with other major Lines) shows your attitude toward your partner. When it comes from the subconscious area it shows a desire for a strong influence from the partner. The person wants their relationship to be ‘ideal’ and for there to be mutual adoration. The partner becomes very important and influential – and this is what they are seeking.

In a culture that predominantly has arranged marriages, this can be a problem. Many Indians nowadays do have ‘love marriages’ where they choose their own partner, but when the Fate Line begins in the Lunar area this can still be a problem. Because what is desired in a partner is so personal and specific, they don’t want to settle for anything less. But the pressure from others (usually family) can make this very difficult.

There will be a feeling of fighting against convention, and the task of finding someone to fall in love with is made harder by time constraints and pressure to marry young and have a large family.

Fate Line and Work

I’ve observed where this Line has not caused relationship problems is men who have indeed had arranged marriages – but who do not prioritise their relationships. They live under one roof with their parents, wife and children (which is typical in India, and not to do with a lack of money). The wife keeps the home and the husband puts nearly all his attention on making money and working. With this Fate Line, he has to enjoy what he does, find it personally fulfilling, challenging and socially satisfying (because the Fate Line comes from the outer part of the hand), and this seems enough to keep him happy. Of course, I never question how someone feels toward their partner, so we might never know if there is a deeper craving for something less typical. The Head and Life Lines on these men’s hands are very tied, showing a mentality conditioned by their upbringing. Maybe in another culture they would pursue a different kind of relationship; but as it is, they seem happy with the status quo of Indian married life.

Additional Markings

Additional markings I’ve observed that commonly make the Sub-Con Fate Line more challenging for people in India are:

  • Separate Head and Life Line;
  • Short middle finger;
  • Lack of root on the Life Line.

Separated Head and Life Lines

A separate Head and Life Line, together with a subconscious Fate Line, is a very difficult combination. Separate Head and Life Lines are not a hindrance necessarily, but when combined with the Sub-Con Lunar Fate Line, the total effect is dramatically increased.

Separate Head and Life Lines

Separate Head and Life Lines

Separate Head and Life Lines indicate freedom of thought, a mind not tied to the home or upbringing; there is an ability to think independently, without obvious social and parental conditioning. A combined Sub-Con Fate Line and separate Head and Life lines give someone unconventional thinking, plus the desire to live life in a personal and uniquely fulfilling way.  This is very challenging for someone in India, where there are such strong family ties and traditions. With this combination I have observed an unusual job, a foreign partner or a desire to move away from home.

Short Middle Finger

A short Middle Finger with a Sub-Con Fate Line adds rebellion to a person’s character – someone who doesn’t like being told what to do and who has an anti-authority demeanour. Any sense of conforming or following societal dogma is strongly disliked. This is a person who does not have strong loyalty to traditions and overall is something of a maverick. Naturally, the Sub-Con Fate Line plus short Middle Finger lead to a very unconventional and therefore challenging life path.

Short Middle Finger and Sub-Con Fate Line

Short Middle Finger and Sub-Con Fate Line

Ungrounded Life Line

Lastly, a lack of root to the Life Line: this is difficult for the barer on any hand. But it is more difficult when combined with the Sub-Con Fate Line because the person becomes quite dependent on something or someone specific. The Life Line looks for a support and the Fate Line shows what type of support is sought.

When the support is someone's personal and wholly fulfilling career this can be satisfying - but it is not usually a long-term answer. More often, the support they are looking for is a partner.
Due to the subconscious influence on the Fate Line, they have a need to admire and idealise their partner – it is of the utmost importance to them.

Separate Head and Life Lines and a missing base to the Life Line

Separate Head and Life Lines and a missing base to the Life Line

A Life Line without a root can be observed in a person with no commitment to a home or base, looking for a partner (usually foreign) to ‘complete’ them. The person dreams of meeting the perfect foreign partner and living with them in their homeland, where they feel they will be stable and secure. Although this may indeed happen, anyone with an ungrounded Life Line should be advised to be working on their own roots and structure, so they are not always looking for outside support. Ideally they should be strong on their own, regardless. And this would allow a more balanced relationship towards work or with a partner to materialise.

