Private Readings

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Book now for a professional hand reading with Lawrence Rook

All consultations are available online, by phone or in-person at my South Devon location.

Consultations are 60mins, with couples readings being 90mins.

1 person reading (online/in-person): 120GBP/155USD/140EURO

  • Recording of session
  • Objective Analysis
  • Relationships
  • Career Advice
  • Heath
  • Life Coaching

1 person follow-up consultations (online/in-person): 120GBP/155USD/140EURO

    Follow up consultations provide a deeper discussion on specific areas such as careers, relationships and self-development, tailored to your needs and circumstance.

2 person couple reading (online/in-person): 180GBP/230USD/210EURO

  • Recording of session
  • Individual Analysis
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Understanding and Optimising Traits
  • Comparison of all Aspects
  • Exploration of Contrasts and Similarities

Couple Hand Reading – This is a joint reading, where the traits and aspects of the hands are compared in relation to each other. It is very interesting to see how people function in different ways, and how these contrasts and similarities can be optimised with each other. These readings can be done with friends, family or partners.

About online and phone readings

Consultations online or by phone work very well. All that is required are clear photos of your hands so as to see:
1) Full hand photo – fingers held together
2) Close up of the palms – to see the lines
3) Close up of the finger tips – to see the finger prints
4) Thumb tips – to see the print
Most phone cameras are good enough to use. Images should be no smaller than 1.5mb.
Example photos for online or phone reading

For your reading or any more information please contact Lawrence via the contact page

Devon Location

For individual, couple or group readings.

Ludd Cottage, Strode, Ivybridge, Devon, PL210LY


I saw Lawrence for a reading last week. I was very impressed at the accuracy of the reading, especially how well it married with my astrological birth chart. I certainly enjoyed his clarity when explaining the different features of my hands. I also appreciated his sensitivity when talking about any life challenges coming through the lines. Each time, he suggested creative ways to deal with these challenges and implement strategies to turn them around. I found it very stimulating to be given a whole new language and set of tools to understand my personality and continued path through life. His enthusiasm and depth of knowledge were infectious; he made me feel very relaxed and safe; and he communicated everything at just the right level. The reading was a rewarding and rich experience. I think Lawrence is a first rate Teacher and Guide.

Peter Bygott Avatar Peter Bygott
April 3, 2018

Lawrence carried out a full hand analysis for my wife and I and we were both very impressed with how precise he was in understanding us from our hands and also providing great and deep insight into our character strengths and opportunities in areas of career, health, emotion and thinking. Lawrence was clear, confident and professional in his analysis and even though he was honest was sensitive where he needed to be. This was more than just looking at a few lines on our hand he looked at finger lengths, hand shapes, textures, fingerprints as well as lines to give a rounded view. Having seen a few other practitioners in similar fields Lawrence was certainly the best and would go back again. Thanks for your guidance Lawrence.

Ashish Meswani Avatar Ashish Meswani
March 18, 2018

Lawrence is AMAZING! absolute genius..... Anyone and everyone will find this absolutely fascinating! You don't find out anything scary/ that you don't know.... it turns out your hands are literally a scientific map of YOU! It's just amazing to have someone read you like they already know you... but also to confirm things that you hadn't really fully acknowledged yet, and also to get some advice as to how to approach any significantly unhealthy/ unbalanced traits that could potentially be more detrimental than beneficial. I have always been sceptical of 'palm reading' and I actually felt a bit nervous having paid and the initial commitment to going through with it!...... There is a lot of negative stigma with this practise. But this wasn't wishy washy.... it was scientific, intellectual and clearly a combination of natural ability very refined skill and lots of experience. On top of that, Lawrence was totally lovely! I did this with my friend, and that was even more impressive to see how Lawrence could read us both so accurately, (and also more fun! 🙂 Very cool!

Emma Kendall Avatar Emma Kendall
August 23, 2018

I first met Lawrence @ Glastonbury 2014 during a dual reading with a friend. Lawrence was able to identify various character/personality traits in us both as well as making suggestions in order to, myself more specifically, function a little more coherently. Gradually accepting and implementing his advice enabled me to gain insight, perspective and the feeling of being grounded (a rarity for me). Having recently hit 30 and in the process of finishing a MSc. life has thrown some more lessons/challenges my way. I returned to see Lawrence last month not far off 4 years to the day of my first reading. Once again I was amazed by his insight and accuracy, a skill that one can only wish to understand. He was supportive and so understanding during a mini meltdown during the session and made me feel so comfortable considering.I left Bristol feeling re-aligned, re-focused and hopeful for my journey ahead. I would recommend a session with Lawrence to anyone, he's fab, looking forward to sucking up his knowledge again soon. 🙂

Rachel Wills Avatar Rachel Wills
August 2, 2018