There are many variations and variables to find when interpreting somebody’s index finger. The shape, the print, any bending, the angle it’s held and of course the length are all things that can make the index finger really stand out in a hand reading. Of these variations it is the length of the finger that divides people intotwo main categories: the first being when the finger is overly long (longer than the ring finger); the second is when the finger is very short (more than half a cm shorter than the ring finger).
Understanding Long vs Short Index Fingers
It is a very telling sign if a person has a long or short index. It shows a very specific inner nature and way of functioning, which is deeply rooted in the person and is expressed through their actions and way of being. In order to understand how a person with an index finger of either type drives themselves, motivates themselves, and what their psychological tendencies are we must understand the basic principles of the two variations.
First, when the finger is short it gives emphasis to the ring finger and in so doing, the ‘outer world’ part of the hand. In other words, the area to do with other people is larger than the part to do with their private self, and this is key in understanding how this person functions. When the finger of self is short, it means that the bearer’s view of themselves is small. They don’t see themselves as big or important and therefore their drives take on a completely different motivation.
By contrast, when the index finger is large the person is very self-orientated. They are wrapped up and involved with themselves much more than with the outer world. Because of this, they are self-motivated and this is what drives them. They do things for themselves and are looking to prove to themselves that they ‘can’ and are capable.
This mentality is the opposite of the short indexed person, who is looking to prove to other people that they ‘can’ and that they ‘are capable’.
This is the most important notion to understand when defining the two finger lengths. The person with a long index finger does not feel the need to ‘show off’ and prove themselves to others; any apparently doing so is actually just ‘showing off’, proving something to themselves. Whereas the short index-fingered person bases everything they do on what others will think and perceive about them.
When a short index-fingered person learns an instrument or plays a sport, for example, the drive to do so comes from an innate desire to prove themselves to others – and this is their motivation to improve. They will visualise performing in a concert or playing to impress their coach and supporters.
The long index-fingered person may learn the same instrument, or play the same sport, but their motivation will be built on needing to prove to themselves that they are good enough: they are their own toughest critic and can’t take an easy approach on themselves. Consequently, everything is a personal test. This is all in an attempt to relieve themselves of their own self-imposed pressure and fear of failure.
The short index-fingered person is also looking for the same feeling of self-acceptance, but by getting recognition from others. If performing in an orchestra at an important concert, the long index-fingered person will be focused inwardly; they will see it as a challenge to themselves and a test which they must pass in order to feel good about themselves. The audience’s reaction is secondary compared to whether they make a mistake or not! Whereas the short index-ingered person does not mind if they make a mistake, as long as they still get most of the accolade!
The pressure put on the self can be the same for both the long and short indexed person; however it is translated differently.
The two finger types’ mentality toward themselves is very different within a group environment. In an area where there is room for improvement and competition, both types will want to succeed and do well to try to satisfy their sense of self; however problems of self-acceptance inevitably arise. The short index-fingered person’s sense of self is brought into question when somebody perceived as better and more capable than them is present. And for the long index-fingered person, problems occur when they view others as being judgemental and putting pressure on them. This is an interesting complex and the perception held by the long index fingered person is often incorrect. In certain situations of course pressure will be put on the long indexed person by others, but very often it is only their perception – ie, it is self-inflicted.
This is because the long fingered person is projecting themselves onto others. And in doing so, sees the other as being judgmental. This is not the case though; the people in the external environment are a reflection of how the long indexed person’s mind works. As everything external is a mirror of our own internal state, the long index-ingered person wants to avoid the judgement of others, but of course it is only their own self-judgement they are trying to avoid. Other people are simply magnifying what is going on in their own head. If they did not judge themselves, they would not think others are doing so.
The short index-fingered person’s primary issue in similar situations is that they feel small or inadequate because of other people. But, as with the long indexed person feeling judged, this of course is also a projection of their own mind onto other people. No one else is seeing them as unworthy or inadequate, it is just themselves.
Group Dynamics and Personality Traits
I think there is a misunderstanding in palmistry that long index-fingered people do not like being around others, or in a crowd. I believe this is only the case when their sense of control is in question. If they feel they have control, then they are fine and actually get the same feeling of self-acceptance and self-assurance that a short index fingered person gets from a group.
A long index-fingered person puts themselves in situations involving other people or groups in order to test themselves, and measure and judge themselves accordingly. But it is not other people’s reactions that they are judging themselves on, but how well they hold up to their own self-inflicted pressure, which is the ultimate marker. Deep down the long first-fingered person knows how they feel about themselves in relation to their talent or skill, and what other people say about them – good or bad – does not change this.
Conversely, a short first- fingered person, whose ring (‘outer world’) finger dominates, would almost entirely judge themselves on other people’s reactions. For example, if a short index-fingered person thought their artwork was not very good, but everyone else did, they would go ahead and display it. If they thought they had a bad haircut, but their partner loved it and praised them for it, they would then like it. A short index-fingered person’s opinion of themselves is derived almost solely from other people, whereas a long index-fingered person’s view of themselves almost entirely comes from within.
Both can have advantages. A short first-fingered person can be ‘picked up’ and made to feel good by others, when the long first-fingered person can’t. However, the short index-fingered person can be at the mercy of others’ criticism; while the long index-fingered person is more independent. If the short index person is feeling down, they would benefit greatly from reassurance from others; however, the long indexed person needs space and would rather solve the problem in their own head. This is a useful characteristic of both types to bear in mind, one that is particularly apparent in a relationship (usually the woman has the long index and the man the short). Both must learn to act more like the other – the short index to be more independent, and the long to be more accepting and trusting of others’ opinions when appropriate.
Fingerprint Patterns and Their Relationship to Index Length
You can liken the nature of the long index-fingered person to the ‘Whorl’ finger print; independent and in their own world. The whorl wants to do things for themselves without regard for others. This is the same as the long index wanting to please the self and satisfy their own self-judgment. They are self-motivated and do not care about others’ opinions.
The short index can be likened to the Radial Loop – very aware and dependent on others. They constantly seek approval and look for recognition, in the same way that the short index does. So, of course, when these fingers have their pertaining prints on them, it enlarges these characteristics.
A long index with a whorl can be a very difficult character, not caring what others think and being very independent. Notoriously difficult, they live in their own world and their way with no regard for the group or others. They are motivated by things that will build their own sense of ego.
The short index with a radial makes the person hyper-sensitive to everyone else; they will look for recognition and want to be praised by everyone. Their motivation will be to prove to the world – as long as others think well of them they will be happy, but this is an everlasting mission that will never be satisfied. Likewise, the large index-whorl person will feel they have to enlarge their own personal empire endlessly until they deem themselves a success and feel self-acceptance. But really the acceptance both seek can only come from within, and they must try not to feel the need to constantly prove themselves.
Issues of self-acceptance are problematic for everyone and it is well accepted within Eastern philosophy that all issues derive from the self. However, I am pointing these particular areas out in relation to the long or short index finger because it is the finger of the self. And being so means that the perception of the self is distorted in a very specific manner depending on whether the finger is too long or too short. It creates a complex within the person at one of two ends of the scale, and for this reason it is very important to understand both as all other issues of the self come between these two extremes.
If you can understand the insecurities, drives and motivations that come with either variation of this finger, it will allow great insight into the person’s nature. As a hand reader you can explain their patterns of working, and help them understand why both types have a conflicting attachment with other people. The long index does not like to be around others because they feel pressure and judgment. And the short index desires other people for recognition and acclaim. Both types must try to obtain satisfaction within themselves; otherwise, in relation to other people, one will always be acting out of aversion and the other acting out of attachment.
thanks for information.