How Stress Develops in the Hands
The hands change over time and the chronological development of stress can be one of the clearest examples of change. Below is a woman’s handprint taken two years apart. From 2016-2018 she experienced increased pressure at work, resulting in less sleep and more stress. This can be seen in the increased number of small horizontal lines cutting across the hand.
Additional small lines like this shows a strain on the nervous system, and that the body is sensitive and highly strung. This woman had more mental concerns and physically it was harder for her body to relax, affecting digestion and sleep. These clear developments of stress and how they influence specific areas of health shows how important it is to take note of lifestyle changes and implement methods of relaxation. The most suitable ways of relaxing can be assessed by the rest of the hand. As this is a mentally active hand with a strong Head Line but weaker Life Line, working on the physical body, switching the mind off, would be very beneficial.
Physical Indicators of Stress
Hand Type and Shape

All features of the hand respond to stress differently, but a good general indicator is the hand shape and skin texture.
Narrow slim hands are more affected by their surroundings and the environment. Arguments, tension and external pressure are all felt more prominently for slender hands. If they also have long fingers, this shows an analytical mind and certainly someone who would ‘feel’ external stressors and think about them a lot. This would be typical of a Water hand.
Skin Texture

The finer the skin, the more sensitive and refined the nervous system is; therefore, people with ‘silk skin’ are much more affected by any stressor, simply because they feel it more. Silk skin types must have calm, clear and peaceful environments or they will be negatively affected and feel very stressed.
Mental Stress Indicators
The Head Line
The Head Line is the most important major line for assessing stress. As the Head Line shows how we think, perceive and process information, the type and quality of this line can reveal potential strains and mental tension.

Having a second Head Line can show increased chances of stress. An additional Head Line means someone can think in a second, different way. Although this can be useful, it means the mind is prone to overthinking and can have excess mental chatter and argue with oneself as the two lines give different perspectives. It can double someone’s thinking power, which can be very useful, but also stressful as it will increase the amount they think or worry. Islands and bubbles in the Head Line are all signs of mental sensitivity and someone who would be affected by stress.
Additional Stress Markers
Fingertip Analysis
Although stress can be assessed in lots of areas, the fingertips and the hypothenar eminence (the bottom far side of the palm) show clear signs. The fingers very often have small lines on the phalanges: these can relate to a wearing down of energy levels, lack of sleep, dehydration and general fatigue. However, when the lines, especially on the tips, are horizontal, this is a clear sign of mental stress.

Palm Indicators
As the upper phalanges are more connected to the mental realms, bar lines here show deep mental stress. A build-up that would have taken several years and a pattern that becomes chronic is seen here. When these lines are present, attitudes
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